Monday 4 January 2016

Afghanistan: 62744 - Consultant - Programme Development Consultant, Women’s Economic Empowerment-SSA


UN Women Afghanistan Country Office (UN Women ACO) is structured to ensure greater cohesion between the programme areas through three pillars: Eliminating Violence Against Women Pillar (EVAWP), Coordination and Advocacy Pillar (CAP), and Political and Economic Empowerment Pillar (PEEP).

The role of PEEP is to support national counterparts – including the Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MoCI), Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Parliamentary bodies, Electoral bodies, and civil society in implementing the National Action Plan for the Women of Afghanistan (NAPWA) and the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) in enhancing political participation and access to economic opportunities for women. The Pillar builds on partnerships developed with ministries, the international community, the UN Country Team, etc., to promote women’s participation in political and economic development.

Prior to 2009, the economic empowerment projects of UNIFEM was mainly focused on small scale income generating activities such as bee keeping, poultry and animal husbandry while in late 2009 UNIFEM undertook a comprehensive strategic revision of its economic programming, using the learning and research findings as substantive input generated by a project called “Researching Rural Livelihood Strategies for Vulnerable Women”. UNIFEM engaged with relevant members of the economic development community, including representatives from government ministries, civil society, and the business sector and gathered their input on potential entry points for UNIFEM to advance its work on women’s economic rights. This engagement alongside the research and consultations undertaken with stakeholders fed into the development of a new UNIFEM economic strategy (Economic Rights and Security Strategy). This strategy then fed into the UN Women Development Result Framework (DRF) for 2012-2013.

The current programme of ACO/Development Results Framework approved for 2014-2017 is in fact the strategic plan of ACO to guide its programme in the next four years. The impact two of the DRF areas relate to the economic empowerment programme. There is also a proposed Annual Work plan/AWP for 2016 where more detail is available on the results framework. However, it is felt that UN Women’s interventions in the area of women’s economic empowerment are spread thinly and do not result in strategic impact.

UN Women is recruiting an International Consultant to help the Political and Economic Empowerment Pillar of ACO to review and re-design the women’s economic empowerment programme. The assignment aims to develop a holistic programme that responds to women’s economic needs resulting in their improved empowerment and agency.

Consultant will work under the overall guidance of the Country Representative and direct supervision of the Head of PEEP Unit and in consultation with Gender Specialist.Description of Responsibilities :

Functions / Key Results Expected:

  • Contextual landscaping and mapping of programmes in the area of WEE;

  • Development and production of a holistic WEE programme. The Programme must have linkages to other initiatives of UN Women in the area of EVAW, Political Empowerment, Safe Markets, Women Peace and Security, Advocacy and so on;

  • Identification of partners, donors mapping; and preparation of a specific to WEE resource mobilization strategy.

Description of Responsibilities

Review and map other agencies’ programme initiatives for women’s economic empowerment and active involvement in the income generation activities (12 working days):

  • Scan other agencies’ work in the area of WEE to ensure coordination of activities;

  • Review the work of UN/bilaterals in the area of social protection and WEE to identify synergies;

  • Review current interventions of UN Women in the area of WEE and identify areas for scale up in light of the UN Women’s Global Flagship Initiatives.


Scoping study on women’s economic empowerment in macroeconomic institutions: The study will identify policy/institutional interventions to promote women’s economic empowerment across key economic ministries (such as Labour, Industry, Mining etc), Afghanistan Investment Board, Chambers of Commerce and the private sector, in general.

The study will examine:

  • Current status of women’s participation across major economic sectors;

  • Mapping of policy level interventions by other international development agencies;

  • Policy/institutional interventions that UN Women can undertake in AFG to promote women’s economic participation.

Development of a holistic WEE programme (12 working days):

  • Identification of niche areas based on comparative advantage of UN Women;

  • Undertake consultations with key national and international stakeholders;

  • Design a comprehensive programme document on WEE that is focused and has a clear theory of change and integrated linkages to other programmes of UN Women in the area of EVAW, Political Participation, Women, Peace and Security, Advocacy and other;

  • In consultation with relevant UN agencies identify possible partnership opportunities.


  • A comprehensive programme document on identified niche areas for WEE interventions;

  • Framework for inter-agency cooperation with relevant UN agencies.

Analysis of the donor environment and development of a Resource Mobilization Strategy (RMS) (6 working days):

  • Study the donor environment and strategies and prepare the RMS accordingly.


  • One analytical briefing paper on donors’ strategies with special focus on fund raising opportunities with identification of possible interested donors for this new programme.

Timeframes and Institutional Arrangements

The consultant will be engaged for a maximum of 30 working days.The contract is based on fees per day tied to satisfactory achievement of deliverables as per the scope of assignment and deliverables table. Payments will be made upon receipt of deliverable reports, certified by supervisor and approved by the Country Representative.

Application Process
All interested candidates should apply online through the given link:
He/she must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate the qualifications:

  • Cover letter: (not more than 450 words) explaining their suitability for the work and a brief description of approach to work/methodology. Applicant should also clarify number of days he/she will do from home base and in country;

  • Financial proposal: indicate fee per day as well as travel cost by most direct and economic route (return ticket);

  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references and signed P11 form.

Applications missing the above mentioned information will be disqualified for consideration.Competencies :

  • Strong understanding of economic empowerment concept;

  • Excellent inter-personal and general communication skills;

  • Must be self-starter with excellent demonstrated teamwork skills;

  • Strong and proven integrity, time management and work prioritization and analytical skills;

  • Understanding of UN Women/UN procedures, rules and regulations an asset;

  • Demonstrated sensitivity, discretion, tact and courtesy in relation to gender equality and women’s rights, development principles and projects;

  • Commitment to upholding the organizational values and principles of UN Women Afghanistan;

  • Essential computer skills – familiarity with Microsoft Word programs, internet, e-mail.Qualifications :


  • Master’s Degree in economics, development, gender studies, women’s rights, public administration or other related fields.


  • Minimum of 5 years of progressively relevant professional working experience, in the fields of Women, Economic Empowerment; Gender/Women’s Rights;

  • Experience working with UN is an asset.


  • Fluent spoken and written English;

  • Knowledge of Dari and/or Pashtu an asset.


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